The show program and category the team participant in this season.

TEAM ID. 2003
Ananda College
The Ananda College Senior Brass Band hereafter referred began in 1991 with just a handful of dedicated students who were musically inclined and a few instruments belonging to Brass and Percussion. In 1994 ACSBB matured to be accepted at a national level. Its first performance at the national level took place in September that year. This was a memorable year for ACSBB due to various reasons. Apart from being nationally accepted, the band received their first costume and new Brass instruments. There it began a journey of rapid development over the years to become a well-known name among the Brass Bands. ACSBB was officially invited to welcome His Royal Highness Prince Charles in 1998 when he visited Sri Lanka for the 50th Independence Day Celebration. As a team, ACSBB created history at Ananda by being the first and only non-cadet band to win the Brass Band Championship Trophy twice in 1997 and 1999.
They have also won various other competitions including the competition organized by the Navy Band of Sri Lanka in 2003, The President’s Trophy in 2011, and ‘Instriago’ organized by the Western Music Council of Sri Lanka in 2012. Ananda College Senior Brass Band is the First Ever Sri Lankan School brass band to be the champions of an international competition being the Open Class Champions of Thailand World Music Championships 2020